Endless Paradigm

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I'm an asshole...
and I can't tell if I'm an asshole because people are fucking dumb...
or if people are fucking dumb because I'm an asshole
Slushba132 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm an asshole...
and I can't tell if I'm an asshole because people are fucking dumb...
or if people are fucking dumb because I'm an asshole

people can't be dumb due to you being an asshole.
I don't understand.
People are dumb so you are an asshole... probably
Slushba132 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm an asshole


Even I, one of the newer members, already knew that.
HawkeYe Wrote: [ -> ]
Slushba132 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm an asshole


Even I, one of the newer members, already knew that.

HawkeYe Wrote: [ -> ]
Slushba132 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm an asshole


Even I, one of the newer members, already knew that.

How do you know hes an asshole just by reading was he posts? He could just be a really good troll.

I think people just love hating slushy because hes a lovable guy that you love to hate.
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