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Quote:Galaxy sub-brand KFA2 has announced a graphics card with no display outputs. Instead, the KFA2 GTX 460 WHDI uses a wireless link to send the display output from your PC to your screen – whether that’s a conventional monitor or the HD TV in your lounge.

You just need to attach the bundled receiver to the back of your chosen screen and you’re done. With a wireless keyboard and mouse, you could place your PC at the other end of the room, letting you crank up those fans without having to listen to the whirring next to you.

The ‘WHDI’ part of the card’s name comes from the fact that it uses Amimon’s wireless technology – WHDI stands for Wireless Home Digital Interface.

The standard uses the 40MHz channel of the unlicensed 5GHz radio frequency band to deliver uncompressed 1080p video at 60Hz wirelessly. The card uses five aerials, which KFA2 says will provide ‘the most robust and highest quality HD wireless connection for in-room and multi-room applications.’

WHDI has a range of 30m (around 100ft for those still working in Imperial), and can work through obstacles and walls. This, says KFA2, provides a ‘hassle-free way to connect sources anywhere within a room or enable multiple connections.’ The WHDI standard supports HDCP 2.0, so it can route protected content (Blu-ray films, for example) without a problem.

[Image: kfa2-gtx-460-whdi-w.jpg]

Aside from having aerials rather than display outputs, the card is a typical GeForce GTX 460 1GB affair. It supports Nvidia’s PhysX and CUDA technologies, and it's DirectX 11-compatible.

At the same time, KFA2 has also announced its single-slot GeFore GTX 460 1GB card, the GTX 460 Razor. This card also boasts the typical clock speeds, despite its single-slot cooler. The GPU runs at 675MHz (with the 336 stream processors operating at twice that rate), while the 1GB of GDDR5 memory runs at 900MHz (3.6GHz effective).

Both cards are due to be on sale soon throughout Europe, and both are backed by a two-year warranty.


Do want sometimes in the future!^^
So... would it be possible (in theory) to run pretty much any graphics-intensive thing on any monitor, provided it's got the dongle?
Like, running Crysis on a dedicated box and outputting the video to a convenient TV?
Silvertie Wrote: [ -> ]So... would it be possible (in theory) to run pretty much any graphics-intensive thing on any monitor, provided it's got the dongle?
Like, running Crysis on a dedicated box and outputting the video to a convenient TV?


a signal is a signal, it's just rendering and processing the images which takes power. So for example, putting crysis through it wouldnt make the signal degrade.
That's quite an amazing transfer rate though:

1920 × 1080 × 3 bytes/pixel (24-bit RGB) × 60fps = 373248000 bytes/sec ≈ 356MB/s ≈ 2847.7Mbps

Considering that the throughput needs to guarantee the above to guarantee that rate, and at a certain range, transfer must be a fair bit higher.
And there's the issue of increasing resolution...
I have enough trouble with my wifi... I seriously don't want the monitor signal cutting in and out while I'm trying to do intense fps gaming Oo

In fact... I don't even use wifi anymore... It's cool to go where you want, but really unreliable :/

and I don't see the purpose of this since the idea behind a laptop and wireless was that laptops are small and portable, now I can go where I want and still have the internet

this is like now I can lift my 10kg monitor and go absolutely nowhere with it...
Sounds great... let's see if it can really do it though.

/awaits reviews

Slushba132 Wrote: [ -> ]I don't see the purpose of this

then you obviously don't know what it's meant to be used for.

the intensity of the game won't degrade signal >_>
I'm saying... I think it will be like wifi itself...
great in theory, and sometimes great, but often shit tier in practice

Maybe my router is the only one that just randomly chocolates itself and disconnects everything or experiences awesome interference at all the wrong times...

And latency is everything in the world of online gaming... the more of it there is, the worse it is for you.
Sounds like you just have a bad router Slushba. I use WiFi all the time, even to play FPS and never had an issue...
Wow, of all the idea's I've seen come out; this seems the most interesting. I mean, the problem you have most of the time is that your computer will be in your way in a desktop enviroment, so now you could say; hide it in your closest and still enjoy some powerful computing.

Yeah, do want.
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