Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Wireless Graphics Card incoming!
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i think gizmodo summed it up best, at least i think it was them
"wireless for the sake of being wireless"

what's wrong with just a really long hdmi/VGA/whatever cable?

i suppose it's just because i live life by cables, wifi and wireless keyboard/mice are extremely icky to me
i'd like it because my PC can kick up quite a noise sometimes lol
my point still stands about long cables, they're hell of a lot cheeper
I think the price wouldn't be too much if:
a) it became popular, and
b) it used standard networking products (can't, cause they aren't in the multi-gigabit range at the moment)

Like, people use wireless keyboards, mice, speakers etc, the last one being the monitor.  Sure, it's more expensive, but the premium isn't really huge.
Personally, I don't like dealing with batteries, so I'm still with wires.

Get better cooling/case if your computer's too loud.  My C2Q Q6600 with Xigmatech S1283 cooler + R5670 + Antec 430W is pretty damn quiet.  And the cost of custom coolers is probably a fair bit less than wireless gear.
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