Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Sony Sues fail0verflow & geohot!
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dark_mirage Wrote: [ -> ]
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]they will probably try and get a claim of damages too

leaving them financially ruined

Even though sales will skyrocket

not as many people hack consoles as you think ^^"

wee just look in the right places to find those people
This lawsuit seems to me to just be a $ONY scare tactic. Since they will need to prove that whoever they put on trial actually pirated games or benefited from the piracy. If I buy a PS3 i should have the right to do anything I want with it.
G4 interviews GeoHot

Source: YouTube

.....he's always been in it for fame..
nice link yoyoballz

you too Zinga
[security expert] hehe,.

edit: word filter does't work,. ??
So Sony won the TRO (ex parte decision?)

Does this dude have another username handle?
Video was taken down...

If i were in GeoHot's shoes I would run to my mexican homeland and leave a cool video of me makein fun of sony for being ghey lol they will never find meh!
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