Endless Paradigm

Full Version: I just ate Taco Bell
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Method Wrote: [ -> ]SUBWAY MOFOS

Niqqa The King is WHERE ITS AT BINCHE! shyts fy as hell.

Arby's Is a close second.
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]when subway do chips like mcdonalds instead of a packet of crisps
then ill agree

Subway DOES do chips. Mcdonalds doesn't serve chips at all they have fries, ice cream, and apple pies.. And double you tee eff is a crisp?
trademark91 Wrote: [ -> ]
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]when subway do chips like mcdonalds instead of a packet of crisps
then ill agree

Subway DOES do chips. Mcdonalds doesn't serve chips at all they have fries, ice cream, and apple pies.. And double you tee eff is a crisp?

McDonalds in England must serve differently
no you're just doing english wrong


[Image: frenchfries.jpg]

[Image: walkers_crisps.jpg]
That's wierd. And i wouldnt say im doing it wrong, just differently.
Lol dude I'm only messing ;P
I still don't get the name 'fries' though, you can make chips other ways as well ^^"
How else do you make them?
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ][Image: walkers_crisps.jpg]

Prawn Cocktail flavour of this for the fucking win.
See, those walkers are called "Lay's" here
BK or the king will rape you surpries buttsecks

I don't really have a preference in fast food, i go chinese most of the time because of delicious orange chickens... so yea chinese for me :3
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