Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Does the home only have one page now?
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I noticed this before but I was way to lazy to ask. I remember that you could see the older posts on the ep home page but now I could only see one page is there something wrong or is this how it is now? if so I think it really should have a few more pages cause its hard finding the stuff through the forums.
Same here. Too lazy too ask , and have the same issue/problem.
oh! dark mirage noticed that! zinga burga, i summon thee!
You mean the Portal page? I think it is covered here http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/forumdi...php?fid=18
Yeah, but only news from that section. It's a combination of various new forums. I admit I found it useful to see older posts on the portal page though.
yeah I mean the portal and its pretty annoying to find them through the posts cause they don't have any pictures and you have to open them which is really annoying specially for someone lazy like me. the point is why is this feature removed ?
Must have been lost from the forum upgrade but I can't really see any reason why.
Yeah, forum upgrade, I'll stick in a fix some time later, thanks for pointing out :)
Okay, should be fixed now.  Thanks again.
woooo Zinga for the win!
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