Endless Paradigm

Full Version: How to recreate that particle effect?
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Hi EP^^

Basically I want to recreate the GN Particle effect from Gundam 00 like in the first 5 seconds of this video with Adobe After Effects CS4:

I don't want to do anything fancy, just a text fade-in GN particle style and maybe the particle creation and flyaway like on the "00" in the video.

If anyone can lend me a hand, thanks in advance!^^ Gongxi
Google trapcode particular, it will be exactly what you need. You'll just need to adjust some settings.
Thanks Mickey!^^ I have the trial version now and it works and looks like what I need, just I'm a complete AE noob, I know how to initialize the effect engine and I have added it to a text layer, but Particular overlays the text. Is there anyway I can tell the plugin to create a text out of particles?
/doesn't know anything

make it overlay invisible text?
I could try this Ge, dunno how it will look but still thanks^^
I would adjuct the actual particular layer and just forget about a text layer. Make the path be the letters, and then mess with the settings from there. You could use a wipe effect to also get that. I believe it's called CC Wipe. Try using the plugin with a solid or a light, then that way you can control the emitter. This tutorial should help you get the text part down, the other is simply adjusting value to get the particles how you want them. http://ae.tutsplus.com/tutorials/motion-...articular/
Yeah as mickey said, fiddling with trapcode particular will get u wt u want, just go on sum AE tut site ull find loads of ways.
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