there's missing graphic on my safari -.- but fudge it i just turned 21!!! im going to bed now i got a long day tomorrow PEACE! MOTHERFUDGERS~
It's always worked, and still works. I just -3 rep-ed someone.
happy birthday
てゃんks!! sry in hiragana mode!
p.s. "The requested URL /forum/images/ColorBright/english/postbit_reputation.gif was not found on this server."
YoYoBallz Wrote: [ -> ]It's always worked, and still works. I just -3 rep-ed someone.
happy birthday
i wonder who it was? i bet they're PISSED
ridiculous outcries indeed
bazz Wrote: [ -> ]p.s. "The requested URL /forum/images/ColorBright/english/postbit_reputation.gif was not found on this server."
Okay, I've disabled the postbit reputation link, since many themes don't have the image, plus reputation hasn't really been linked with posts in the past (silly MyBB).
Thanks for the notice :)
LumpiaWarrior Wrote: [ -> ]ridiculous outcries indeed
Been a long time since I last moved a thread! Man that felt good.
It felt like an orgy!
Hey, why don't you go unstick the outdated stickies while you're at it?