Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Phantasy Star Portable 2 : Infinity [DEMO]
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[Image: Phantasy_Star_Portable_2_Cover.jpg]

Finally after 4 hours uploading... i proudly present you:

Quote:Title:Phantasy Star Portable 2: Infinity [DEMO]
Region: Japanese
Genre: RPG (Demo game)
Size: 576 mb
Ripped: /
Password: /
Patched: No
Tested: 6.35 OFW (Works on 6.35 PRO (HEN) )

Uploader: DaNS

Credits to:

This game does NOT work on CFW! Its the official demo from Japanese PSN Store!

If you like the Demo please buy the full version!





*You can share my link/s on other sites,but please give credits!!!*
...anything from the psn store DOES NOT work on other psp as it's registered to YOUR psp

Unless it has been patched...

Just thaught I'd point that out
The DRM protection is removed!

Its workin on every PSP!
Reference URL's