Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Who has/wants a tablet?
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So tablets... them things be sooper popular now. Have you got one yet, or do you know which one you want? Post here and lets have a poll!

edit:oh blah i thought i would be able to edit the poll >.>
Not really interested in any tablets at the moment.
I guess I could go with a Galaxy Tab since I already have an iPod, so it would defeat the purpose of an iPad.
Not interesting in tablets for now.
i have a laptop so i don't need one now, unless tablets includes an induction cooker i might buy those, lol
i want that EEE Slate
i got an iPad for christmas...don't use my laptop anymore and i set my desktop *which i also rarely use* to 1024x768and use iTeleport and then its like my iPad is a touchscreen Hackintosh and work that way when i need desktop usage :-/  Ther eis a bluetooth stack hack that allows the ues of a bluetooth mouse, but i haven[t tried that yet.
i have an ipad. but i don't really use it much except as a portable web browser and to work on things when i don't have internet available. (came in handy when i was testing new distros and didnt have internet configured yet)
If I ever find a used iPad for cheap I'll get one. trademark? ;)
Don't really have any interest in a tablet at the moment.
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