Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 6.31/6.35 HEN Beta from China (edited)
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China coder Coldbird & VF realease the beta of 6.31/6.35 HEN using Sukkiri HBL.
It is in beta state, and so many bugs exists.

6.35 : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SRQ1UJFA
6.31 : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CD6CAGZI
have you tried this?
I'm trying now..
any feedbacks? did it work? what exploit did you use? patapon or sukirri?
Ummm I am going to wait for 6.35 TN.
Yes it's 6.35 HEN but no 6.35 TN HEN and this have many bugs.
im waiting for 6.35 cfw Specky
Good news for 6.35 users! but I'll just wait for TN's XMB exploit
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