Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Encrypt/Sign: Mathieulh found the KIRK encryption/decryption keys
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[Image: 3nogmmdi27yh.jpg]

Mathieulh got it he found the keys to encrypt&decrypt the hole psp content!

Wololo Wrote:For those who wonder what this means, well simply put: no need for any exploit, HBL, or HEN  in the future, as wee will (?) be able to run our homebrews directly from the XMB without any hack. That is, if Mathieu releases his code.

2011 the year of Playstation Hacking ?



It's all over now.
Lets hope he releases it then
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]It's all over now.

For Sony anyway.
Leak the fudgeing keys Mathieulh! LOL!
Unlimited piracy for PSP is coming...
It's can be end of good games for PSP.

But homebrews and plugins on OFW = Yay
And what Sony do now?
* trademark91 runs out and buys a go
DaedalusX64 on OFW!
Suddenly the GO seems very appealing lol
gota get dat go
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