Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 2011 no-fap contest discussion thread
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Ok the title pretty much sums it up. Let's see who can go the longest in 2011 with no fapping.

Just post and say if you're in the contest, Nd the post again if you lose. When everyone is out, I'll make a thread of everyones standings :)

Be honest.

standings are here: http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...#pid341946
I've failed already

about 43 hours ago

which for me was about 3am on the 1st of January
I'm in. no fap, no sex, no anything sexual related right?
me too failed there was this girl and wee hung out news years

soooo sometime round midnight, morning of the 1st....but apparently trade says that action does not count as fapping

therefore im still in!!!
i was kinda planning the same thing for myself this new year, also no coffee and soda.
Gonna try to survive until January is over XD
heh. no problem. since i assume you can't force it yourself.
failed that probably the day it started
LumpiaWarrior Wrote: [ -> ]but apparently trade says that action does not count as fapping

ha, then I guess I'm in. :p
I'm out
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