Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 2011 no-fap contest discussion thread
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I belive I hold the record for "fastest failiure", as I literally entered the new year, ahem, "scanning fine art".
Is it okay I just lol'd at that?
2 days, 6 hours and 15 minutes, and I'm still going strong!


Silvertie Wrote: [ -> ]I belive I hold the record for "fastest failiure", as I literally entered the new year, ahem, "scanning fine art".

dark_mirage Wrote: [ -> ]
Gamerlink Wrote: [ -> ]...What if wee are the last person standing ?
[Image: forever+alone+face.png]
a year without fapping?

I can do that! 8)
but the question is: are you still master of your domain?
if you're forbidding yourself to fap because of EP, the internet is the master of your domain
ITT people who've never seen seinfeld
I'm out.
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