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Full Version: Spring 2011 anime line-up (updated)
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eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]World God Only Knows 2 finished airing, I liked it and I am desperately hoping for a season 3 Erk

I forgot about that show.
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]World God Only Knows 2 finished airing, I liked it and I am desperately hoping for a season 3 Erk
From various hints in the last episode, highly likely, and 3rd season possibly the last.
Season 2 pretty much had the exact same story structure as the first, as well as very similar content >_>  But still enjoyable IMO.
oh boy, I loved episode 16 of Nichijou, every episode always leaves me laughing.
What I'm like when ordering any form of meal/drink (I rarely eat out):
Spoiler for part 2:
Haha xD

That scene was hilarious
Totally gonna watch Qwaser 2. *Ignoring the fact that it is already Summer*
Emil_Irving Wrote: [ -> ]Totally gonna watch Qwaser 2. *Ignoring the fact that it is already Summer*

it was pretty bad

season 1 was much better
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]
Emil_Irving Wrote: [ -> ]Totally gonna watch Qwaser 2. *Ignoring the fact that it is already Summer*

it was pretty bad

season 1 was much better

... That totally scrap any plans I had of even starting a fanfic of Raidou Kuzunoha being crossed over to that anime. Burning
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