Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Clear XMB Black V3 converted for 6.20
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Pages: 1 2
most of them are from the original theme.
I did the following Icons on my own:
-The extras Icon
-The SenseMe Icon
-The Digital Comics Icon
-two of the PSN-Icons
gsmoke Wrote: [ -> ]Nice theme conversion i didnt saw it ... Leon take the ctf and you have the icons. If i remember correctly these are creation of Reinch ...
im not sure i put the name correctly.
or mebbe it was Robs1968>?>?

nice update ;) Yay
Would someone please convert this for 6.35, I like the theme.
I've updated my PSP to 6.35 Custom beta 9, and I want to stay there.
So please, I can give you reputation (or something like that).
Pages: 1 2
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