Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] 6.20 TN-B HEN
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Total-Noob has just released an updated version to his TN HEN.

Quote:(Changelog 6.20 TN-B)
- Fixed homebrew execution crash on some PSPs (thanks to HacKmaN for debugging)
- Added 4g model support
- Resolved some important NIDs
- Added FAKE INDEX.DAT to TN VSH Menu.
  - Dump whatever FW with psardumper.
  - Copy /F0/vsh/etc/version.txt to /seplugins/version.txt.
  - Enable the option and restart VSH, now your PSP version is faked.
  » To downgrade just dump a lower FW.
My DC8 CXMB tutorial would come in handy now..... If you want to use m33-6 and 6.20 hen at the same time. :)
I haven't been able to keep up with the scene much lately due to a horrible internet connection but is this a full CFW or just a HEN FW?
sadly just a hen
Thanks for the info
That's nice. Wake me up when a HEN for 6.31 comes out. *goes back to his HBL r112 with Everybody's Sukkiri exploit* Least they got my favorite SNES emulator working on it.

But seriously, I'm glad those who found about this long enough to stay out of the 6.30's are getting the HEN.
Soooo, you can downgrade with it now?
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]Soooo, you can downgrade with it now?

How exactly do you do that ? Run the 5.03 update from the XMB or do you need to have 5.03 installed on another PSP, dump it from flash0 and copy it to the PSP running 6.20 ?

Because the latter is very dangerous and practically guaranteed to brick the PSP with no possible unbricking (except maybe Sony if it's still under warranty and only IF they take it back -» yeah, fat chance).

So what does he mean by "just dump a lower FW" ?
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