Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2
do you take pride in stealing themes? i guarantee that you'd get more praise for making a good theme on your own.
Who's stealing themes?
If you want to construct a theme with files of other theme's you should credit the people who made those theme's,.. i had recall sending you a PM about this some month's ago,..

Zingaburga >> rcoedit and rcomage Madwin
patpat >> CTFtool GUI and the wave
V1 >> sony_mod theme files
Tseneda >> p3t theme files

you could consider this a warning,. Knock-knock

also trying to make a theme yourself could be easier,. less freezes and error's to solve because your using all kinds of different files from different theme's,..

Sorry Vegetano1
Pages: 1 2
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