Endless Paradigm

Full Version: EP Christmas Loot Thread D:
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money ^^
i also got pants
Got a leather wallet from my girlfriend's grandparents (which surprised me lol)
$25 gift card from my girlfriend's mom
And some other stuff on the way from my parents

(hopefully I'll get some money from people lol. So far wee've got about 1/4 of the money wee need for rent in a week lol).
got a new hoodie
a shirt
a beret
and some cash :D
Let's see, I got:
>Three shirts and a set of pants. One shirt and the pants I'll never wear, because I hate them already, they look stupid. (Of course, I haven't said so; that's rude.)
>A gift voucher for the local hobby store, where I'll invest a significant portion of money (Now about NZ$250) in two Warhammer 40,000 armies; Spess muhreens and Orks. (Battle for Black Reach box-set, if you're curious)
>A shaving kit. This is the most pointless of all, as I do not shave. (As in, I don't have the density or amount of hair needed to warrant actual shaving)

To beef up this haul, I brought for myself Burnout Paradise on PC, and Persona 4 for PS2.
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