24/12/2010, 03:06 PM
![[Image: gamecategories-light-v1-.png]](http://www.pspcfw.de/gamecategories-light-v1-.png)
![[Image: gamecategories-light-v1-2.png]](http://www.pspcfw.de/gamecategories-light-v1-2.png)
Bubbletune released Game Categories Light v1.1 for 6.20 TN.
Quote:Adds a new option called ‘By Category’ to your ‘Group Content’ menu.
Adds the ‘By Category’ option in the Square-button cycling.
Defaults to the ‘By Category’ option when you load the menu.
Introduces a subtitle that shows the game type and firmware limits.
Mirror: x7.to
Quote:Game Categories Light v 1.1 by Bubbletune (for 6.20 TN only)
(Changes 1.0»1.1: Fixed DLC's (PARAM.PBP) and random files being detected as categories)
Game Categories Light is the successor to Game Categories Revised. It aims to provide a simple and well integrated category feature for 6.20 TN users, by applying the most hackish amount of patches this plugin ever had. It extends the original foldering feature (which is only capable of foldering everything by it's expiration date). A 'By Category' feature is introduced in to the options, and it is defaulted to whenever you enter the game menu. An 'Uncategorized' feature shows up for any uncategorized games/homebrew. As a nifty extra, it shows the type of game/homebrew it is, and it's current firmware limitations, as a subtitle.
Instructions for installation:
1) Create X:/seplugins in case it doesn't exist already.
2) Extract game_categories_light.prx from this archive in to that folder.
3) Create X:/seplugins/vsh.txt and edit it by adding one of these (depending on your situation) lines to it:
For PSPgo on built-in storage:
ef0:/seplugins/game_categories_light.prx 1
For all others:
ms0:/seplugins/game_categories_light.prx 1
4) Reboot your PSP using the 'RESTART VSH' in the vshmenu in order to maintain the HEN.
Creating your own categories:
1) Create your categories of choice by simply creating folders named after them inside X:/PSP/GAME.
2) Move any homebrew or games you want to be part of that category, in to that folder.
3) If corrupt data starts showing, decrease the length of the filenames of your homebrew. There is a (harsh) sce limit that gets hit easily when the category name length is counted in.
- Create X:/seplugins/hide_uncategorized.txt (empty) to hide the Uncategorized folder.
- If you used older GC versions: the CAT_ prefix is no longer used, categories are auto-detected by checking for an EBOOT.PBP/PARAM.PBP inside.
- This is a complete rewrite from scratch and does not contain code from the original Game Categories.
- Thanks to ruyor for betatesting the 1.1 bugfixes while I had no access to a PSP.
Merry christmas and a happy new year everyone! :)