Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] Metal Gear Solid Codec Dynamic Theme
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I might be a bit bias, as I'm a big Metal Gear fan, but this is got to be the best theme on the psp. Any chance you could update it for 6.20 Pro B9/Pro B10?
Jamould Wrote: [ -> ]I might be a bit bias, as I'm a big Metal Gear fan, but this is got to be the best theme on the psp. Any chance you could update it for 6.20 Pro B9/Pro B10?

Thank you, I may update this theme at some point to 6.39, 6.60 etc.

I cannot believe there have been 1500+ downloads of this theme! :D

This was my first theme so it is no means perfect, I believe the best themes (Art work, ainmations, xmb structure and interactivity) I have seen are by Tseneda and Mr Shizzy:

Ika Musume   - http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...?tid=26877
P3T Persona  - http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...?tid=21518
Golden Witch - http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...?tid=25392

Mr Shizzy
Punch Out!  - http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...?tid=28509
Although I don't know what the themes are about, they still seem pretty good, with the animations and custom sounds
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