Endless Paradigm

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So.. here I am to say Hi. I'm Bazz, I found this place searching for the patch to 3rd Birthday (PSP) and it **WORKED! awwyeahh im pumped. Woo Also this really seems like a great place!

I am a musician, I play guitar and keyboards.. feel free to check out my music.. I don't think my signature is working so I'll just let you know » http://www.youtube.com/imyourbazz Enjoy!
That doufas laughing with the guitar on the current main video..ya.that's me..Hi

I used to be all about computer programming but not so much anymore.. I loved the SNES and learned how to program for it.. even made a bunch of tutorials which are now hosted here » http://wiki.superfamicom.org/snes/show/HomePage somewhere at the end of the page...

ANYWAYS.. yeah, i don't really talk on many forums, not since i was like 14 hhaha, but yeah this place seems sweet, latest tools and updates all that good stuff. Soooo yeah.....

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! [Image: album-merry-christmas.jpg]

haha that mariah carey christmas song.. ITS THE BEST..

alright peace!!!!
Yay another musician! 8D

You should totally write a tracker for the SNES. (Even though it'd be kinda pointless since the SNES is sample based) It'd still be awesome!

Welcome to EEEEEPEEEE.
oh man I see you got Hayley Williams for an avatar.. haha, so you must know about the Farro brothers quitting the band and all that??? I just read this post the other day, it's intense: http://www.altpress.com/news/entry/josh_..._paramore/

You know I actually wAs going to work on a snes tracker with some people a long time ago, but that and pretty much every project wee had in mind fell thru. lol -.-.-
You seem like an interesting fellow. Stick around. You'll like it here
bazz Wrote: [ -> ]oh man I see you got Hayley Williams for an avatar.. haha, so you must know about the Farro brothers quitting the band and all that??? I just read this post the other day, it's intense: http://www.altpress.com/news/entry/josh_..._paramore/

holy spoon I did not know that. Sucks though lol. I thought the drummer was like the best part of the band, I loved his drum playing.

bazz Wrote: [ -> ]You know I actually wAs going to work on a snes tracker with some people a long time ago, but that and pretty much every project wee had in mind fell thru. lol -.-.-

Ha, what's more awesome is that you knew what I was talking about! Yay
nice to meet you bazz. hope you enjoy yourself. you seem like a cool guy.
hi ^^
Welcome and I guess merry christmas.
Heyoh eyo eyo
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