File Description
PSP coder Takka has recently updated his ISO Tool, a handy homebrew app that allows you to decrypt, convert and patch all the latest ISOs, making it compatible with your custom firmwared PSP.
Changelog (translated):
* ISO Tool v1.954:
o [BUG] EBOOT Fixed a freeze on conversion may be
ISO Tool v1.954
Not much of a changelog,. ;p but i like to have the latest version ;) great tool!
me as well ,always heading for the latest
Is this tool can patch "The 3rd Birthday?"
try it as i don't hav that game
So this thing writes to flash now.

I had a feeling it did. But someone from Qj said noooo... Yeah. Bull. It does. Press triangle, "CFW Change" and you'll see. Oh, this is just great... It's called
ISO Tool yet it messes with the flash.
Thing is, even if you wanted to use it to change your firmware (which I personally think you shouldn't, you should keep the firmware CLEAN and patch the games instead), you should know first that it's not fully translated to English. If you get an error it will be in Japanese - which means you're screwed if you don't speak it. The documentation is also in Japanese. GOD DAMN IT.
What does "Convert EBOOT" do ?
Careful, there's a bug in this version !
Fifa 11 (EUR) doesn't patch right.
Decrypted the EBOOT.
Patched with Prometheus ME631.
(using 5.00 M33-6 here)
But using ISO Tool v1.83 worked (using the exact same firmware and method as above) so it's clearly an issue with the newer version.
it always had an issue for every version releases besides this is still not the final version so expect some bugs ,