Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Preview] GameCategories Light for 6.xxTN
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My buddy BubbleTune just hit me up on MSN with this wicked video for you PSP Go users :P

Quote:Here's a sneak preview of 'Game Categories Light', which I'll port to 6.20 TN as soon as it gets released (I've already got a 6.20 Typhoon version sitting on my desktop, so it'll only be the swapping of a few imports).

When 6.00 was released, I thought the foldering was useless (By Expire Date...). That's why I spend three days crafting this recode of Game Categories. I've updated it for 6.10, 6.20 and 6.31 Typhoon since. It has to the hackiest version of this plugin yet. I've still got a ton of game_plugin reverses sitting on my desktop.

With a public homebrew enabler coming up, there's nothing standing in the way of a release.

Enjoy this eye candy!

Source: YouTube
release date of 6.xxTN? rumors for the past few days has come.. 20th of dec... any idea? it hasn't been released yet
It will be soon.  No date given.
hoping for it.. as it was announced releasing it before Xmas
ooo!! great work! though makes me wander whot this "6.20 Typhoon" cf is?
Cool! I want this for 5.50 GEN Adore
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]ooo!! great work! though makes me wander whot this "6.20 Typhoon" cf is?

As far as I know it's a never released 6.xx cfw of some sort that was showed on Youtube to make people angry Hihi
SchmilK Wrote: [ -> ]It will be soon.  No date given.

there was a date given...
around 20th to 24th
dark_mirage Wrote: [ -> ]
SchmilK Wrote: [ -> ]It will be soon.  No date given.

there was a date given...
around 20th to 24th

well you'd think it would be appropriate timing, with being some sort of festive holiday and all.

Value of the PSPgo is about to jump!
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