Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Gigaware VGA Cam SKU: 25-157
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Here is the infamous driver for the Gigaware VGA Cam SKU: 25-157.
This is ripped right off the cd for the people who lost it.
(AKA: PC VGA Camer@ Plus)
Win XP & Win 7

P.S. If you buy the RadioShack 19.99$ Gigaware webcam don't ever lose the cd, because the driver on there site for Win XP and Vista are the worng driver!
OMightyBuggy Wrote: [ -> ]P.S. If you buy the RadioShack 19.99$ Gigaware webcam don't ever lose the cd, because the driver on there site for Win XP and Vista are the worng driver!

lulwut. And I was wondering why you posted it. I'm sure some will find this and find it useful. Thanks for posting OMighty.
No problem. :) I am one of thoughs people who lost this hard to find driver, and all the sites that I have been at redirect to the RadioShack bad drivers. Now people can get it at the home of EP. Yay
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