Endless Paradigm

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Late this week (sorry!)

Two main characters from Zero no Tsukaima.
Cast ur vot!
Hmm this time I don't really know the characters. So I just went ahead and chose the first one
I chose Saito,....

Lunar no Baka Inu ♥ Woo
I choose the tsundere.
finally a series i have seen.

it was a choice between "void magic" and "mastery of weapons"

i chose what works best and seems more effective.
Saito. Because Louise is Louise... ehehheh :P
Louise annoys me...

But Saito is one of these crappy main characters (if I remember correctly)...

Dunno man...
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]Louise annoys me...

You're telling me - the pic Zinga got for her makes me want to punch the monitor. V_V
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]Louise annoys me...


Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]But Saito is one of these crappy main characters (if I remember correctly)...

You're remembering correctly.
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