Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Help editing topmenu_icon
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Can someone edit my topmenu_icon.rco?
i just wanted the icons to glow in red, ive edited this one includes the sensme and digital comics icon as well as the extras icon but incomplete, some icon don't glow and some are, all i wanted is all of the icons must glow in red color.. this is for 5.03, thank you and appreciated if u help me on this tia
Anyone mates?
I wish I could help but I can't... :(
1) Dump the topmenu_icon.rco using RCO Mage

2) Look for all the images that start with "tex_fcs_".

3) Edit these images to red, save as PNG.

4) Convert the images to 8 bit 256 colours. use PNGtoPTF

5) Recompile the RCO in RCO Mage

6) Test CTF.
thanks a lot im gonna try it , but one thing ,any program that can edit the colors to make it red?
No probs Madwin

Try and use programs like Photoshop, Fireworks or GIMP (Free)
These programs save in PNG which supports Alphascale.

Then once your file is how you like, convert the image using PNGtoPTF (This saves resources).
Download: http://dl.qj.net/psp/tools-utilities-on-...f-v10.html

If you need any more info I'll answer when I get time.
ok thanks ill update for results
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