Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Word Filter Vote
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how about everything gets filtered to doop.
bread Wrote: [ -> ]how about everything gets filtered to doop.
I think that would be the best April fools joke ever.
It must be done!
I like that idea
Goshi Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:Okay, I admit it.  The word filter sucks.  Everyone hates it.

Exactly. In which case...


I still stand by this. The word filter is nothing more but a disgusting stain on EP. It must be DESTROYED
I'm fine with. Only sucks when it screws up URLs.
well since S H I T is chocolate you should probably change A S S to chocolate factory
Lol, that's what donkey used to be when Ge64 was in charge of the filters.
A note from this topic: http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...?tid=27740

God damn EP's word filter!  Burning

It changed "peace" to "piss" in my post..  I have since edited it.  
This is a perfect example why some of the word filters are ridiculous.  Imagine if I didn't proof read all my posts...   "May you find piss in your hearts?" to someone who has lost a child ?!?

C'mon!  Let's clean this word filter up a little.   It's not always funny..

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