07/12/2010, 09:53 PM
Okay, I admit it. The word filter sucks. Everyone hates it.
In an attempt to make it appeal more to the community, wee will apply the solution of democracy. (democracies solve everything!)
Each month, starting today, anyone will be able to "vote" (well, not really, you just show your support) on a change to the filters. A change can either be an addition, or a modification of an existing filter.
I'll pick the suggestion which clearly has the most support and put the change through. If there is no clearly overwhelming support for a change, then none will be put through.
Oh and no, you cannot destroy my lovely piece of artwork that is the h0ly w0rd filt0r. This just allows you to tweak it.
In an attempt to make it appeal more to the community, wee will apply the solution of democracy. (democracies solve everything!)
Each month, starting today, anyone will be able to "vote" (well, not really, you just show your support) on a change to the filters. A change can either be an addition, or a modification of an existing filter.
I'll pick the suggestion which clearly has the most support and put the change through. If there is no clearly overwhelming support for a change, then none will be put through.
Oh and no, you cannot destroy my lovely piece of artwork that is the h0ly w0rd filt0r. This just allows you to tweak it.