Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Word Filter Vote
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Okay, I admit it.  The word filter sucks.  Everyone hates it.

In an attempt to make it appeal more to the community, wee will apply the solution of democracy. (democracies solve everything!)

Each month, starting today, anyone will be able to "vote" (well, not really, you just show your support) on a change to the filters.  A change can either be an addition, or a modification of an existing filter.
I'll pick the suggestion which clearly has the most support and put the change through.  If there is no clearly overwhelming support for a change, then none will be put through.

Oh and no, you cannot destroy my lovely piece of artwork that is the h0ly w0rd filt0r.  This just allows you to tweak it.
Change the word, "F U C K" to "airwolf". No particular reason why, just because.
Remove the word filter on fork because it comes up as fudge

Although agreed with PB. Remove the friggin lol filter.
Filter my name so when someone says eku it will change it to my full username :)

also I don't mind the word filters. I say, leave as is
Note: removals not allowed, you can only change or add filters, thank you.
Better yet, why not change the lol filter to "Laugh out Loud" like most of the other abbreviations that get filtered to their full meaning?
One that's been suggested long time ago. Rep into Rape.

ah bliss...

edit: wait not bliss. Why not have lol as lol?

double edit: kung FUUU lol should just be lol
Quote:Okay, I admit it.  The word filter sucks.  Everyone hates it.

Exactly. In which case...

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