Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Playstation Phone (Zeus Z1)
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Wow guys, wee just spotted a new video of the PlayStation Phone, codenamed Zeus Z1, and this time wee get a long, loving look at the entire device -- a refreshing contrast to last time's blurry tease. In addition to appreciating just how fat this phone is, and just how real it is, you can clearly see a "PlayStation" icon, which should hopefully put to rest any doubts that this phone will actually play PlayStation games. Check out a close-up of the icon after the break. Oh, and by the way, there's no audio on the video, your computer is not broken.
Oh my god...
its alive!!!

Jeez I can't wait to get my hands on it
I'm just gonna hold on till PSP 2 comes out.....Ahaa
bsanehi Wrote: [ -> ]I'm just gonna hold on till PSP 2 comes out.....Ahaa

i agree the psp2 sounds orgasmically awesome
i just came
Probably just me.... lol, but I don't like it.
This spotted in my country, in Greece. Madwin
ExBu Wrote: [ -> ]Probably just me.... lol, but I don't like it.

i don't like it either


it looks stupid when you unfold it

and another thing


this sort of thing doesn't work

it's just an android set with a playstation logo on it. surely this means any other set could run these 'playstation' games too.
sorny will never learn...STILL needs dual analog sticks :-/
it has them, they're just touchpads
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