Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Playstation Phone (Zeus Z1)
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Pages: 1 2
What the heck is that?! I don't like this one. I like psp2 than this. But I wish psp2 can support the games from psp wee're using today. And also a UMD support
I will also hold on until for the PSP2
At this point aesthetically, all 'smart phones' look thae same.  It REALLY gonna have to 'do' something spectacular for it to really make an impression.
Its just not worth the time.
alienkid Wrote: [ -> ]At this point aesthetically, all 'smart phones' look thae same.  It REALLY gonna have to 'do' something spectacular for it to really make an impression.
Possibly as a mix of PSP and phone.  I can see people wanting both things in a single device though I don't know how many that do.
It does have the backing of a large library of *decent* games, unlike the other mobile phones in the market.
Now that wee saw it, but where's the PSP app?
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