Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Patent supports PSP2 rear touch pad rumor
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Pages: 1 2
This could be interesting, at least its something new. They would surely have something good on their minds to add something like this to the psp2 cause its not a cheap feature like the infrared on the phat psp which was totally useless.
bloodangel619 Wrote: [ -> ]infrared on the phat psp which was totally useless.

Homebrew made the most of that thing. Some Slim users missed the PSP-Controller functionality.
Well when considering the use of the infrared you should consider a psp that is not hacked,even though I still think the controller functionality was useless too, why turn your PSP on and wait for Irshell to load up and choose your device to control when you could simply use the device's control itself.
Pages: 1 2
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