I'm looking for anime similar to black lagoon. One that has romance, violence, echhi and bad donkey-ness. Anyone know of any? I'd prefer a more modern setting anime where people use guns, and one that has bad donkey fight scenes where you're just like, that was fudgeing awesome.
but you know anything is welcome Oo
also I tried searching anidb but the whole search by category thing never really seems to work out :/
"Similar to Black Lagoon" tells me Darker than Black. No ecchi though, and I think the romance is more prominent in S2 (correct me if I'm wrong - just a guess).
Add mecha to the mix and Gurren Lagann (much better than Darker than Black) comes to mind. That has a lot more eyecandy and is a total epic.
Also, do your own research using catagories on AniDB. >_>
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]"Similar to Black Lagoon" tells me Darker than Black. No ecchi though, and I think the romance is more prominent in S2 (correct me if I'm wrong - just a guess).
Don't know where you got that impression from, Darker Than Back 2 doesn't have romance. Unless you count the occasional tiny bits from side characters that last for like 1/2 an episode. And then said side characters probably get killed.
Darker Than Black 2 is pretentious as f
uck, and sucks, compared to the first season. So unless you thought the first season was a 10/10 masterpiece (which I certainly didn't), it's probably not worth it watching the second. Also, no, it's not going to answer any of your questions from the first season, all it'll do is create more.
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]"Similar to Black Lagoon" tells me Darker than Black. No ecchi though, and I think the romance is more prominent in S2 (correct me if I'm wrong - just a guess).
Don't know where you got that impression from, Darker Than Back 2 doesn't have romance. Unless you count the occasional tiny bits from side characters that last for like 1/2 an episode. And then said side characters probably get killed.
Darker Than Black 2 is pretentious as fuck, and sucks, compared to the first season. So unless you thought the first season was a 10/10 masterpiece (which I certainly didn't), it's probably not worth it watching the second. Also, no, it's not going to answer any of your questions from the first season, all it'll do is create more.
I knew it was bad, not
that bad though. Damn. My romance assumption, honestly, was between Hei & Yin. Did nothing happen between them in the second season? :/
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]I knew it was bad, not that bad though. Damn.
Well, depend on how you look at it. If you don't mind the ending, it's pretty much just the same as DtB season 1, maybe slightly worse.
Pretty much, it feels like to me the scriptwriter tried very hard to make it seem "deep" or something, but to me, fails miserably. Ok, season 1's ending was sort of confusing right? Well, I'm sort of fine with that, at least you can sort of figure stuff out. But season 2 is like, lets make up 2 episodes of random s
hit at the end and hope you have a good imagination to somehow guess-timate something out of the mess. Feels like watching the script writer's orgasm.
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]My romance assumption, honestly, was between Hei & Yin. Did nothing happen between them in the second season? :/
Yin was stuck in some sort of weird cryostasis box or something like that for like 95% of the show.
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]I knew it was bad, not that bad though. Damn.
Well, depend on how you look at it. If you don't mind the ending, it's pretty much just the same as DtB season 1, maybe slightly worse.
Pretty much, it feels like to me the scriptwriter tried very hard to make it seem "deep" or something, but to me, fails miserably. Ok, season 1's ending was sort of confusing right? Well, I'm sort of fine with that, at least you can sort of guess and figure stuff out. But season 2 is like, lets make up 2 episodes of random shit at the end and hope you have a good imagination to somehow guess-timate something out of the mess. Feels like watching the script writer's orgasm.
Oh lawd. Yes, the first seasons ending was confusing, indeed that's the whole point of a second season, to suss it all out. Shame it sounds like they really made a mess of it.
I guess this is the trouble with original Anime series.
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]My romance assumption, honestly, was between Hei & Yin. Did nothing happen between them in the second season? :/
Yin was stuck in some sort of weird cryostasis box or something like that for like 95% of the show.


I found "Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom" (redundancy much?) to appear to be what I am looking for. So far it is at least a decent anime (I think it's really good but I'm pretty generous with these things). I'm a little annoyed, but that's more at the current plot twist I am not the anime itself, and there are still like 10 episodes left, so who is to say where the story will go from here
Slushba132 Wrote: [ -> ]I found "Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom"
Wat? Gunfight Romance it does look like, not Ecchi As far as I know.
Black Lagoon barely makes the cut for Ecchi as it's only really Revy who's looking constantly smokin' hot.. and showing it.