Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] Slush.Net Youtube to MP3 Converter
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Alright... in my further retarded-ness I seem to have actually uploaded the wrong firefox extension. That was a former extension that allowed you download youtube videos as flv files.

I recommend re-installing the firefox extension (I have linked the correct one now) and installing it because it's the one that actually works with this program Blur
(you can uninstall the other one, or keep it maybe you need raw flv video for something? Oo)

I have made the extension for opera and I have tested it. It appears to work fine for me.

writing the opera extension was actually easier than writing the firefox extension.
bumb... updates n such
thanks =)
Thanks, I prefer the Opera extension
Why bother converting the audio to MP3?

Youtube uses MP4 these days, just demux the original AAC audio track out of it.
Tried this for the hell of it & seems to work good. Madwin
although I use "Easy YouTube Video Downloader" which converts videos to mp3 or mp4 in HD

Slushba132 Wrote: [ -> ]well... limewire was shut down and I needed a way to get my music 8D
limewire still works as long as it's lower then version 5.5.10
also frostwire works fine & it's pretty much the same thing

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