Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Not TOTD #17
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Pages: 1 2
Do you remember back in the day, when after you say after thing, you go NOT!!!

Like when you're joking around and are like "hey I just came up on $100 bucks,....NOT!"

I havent said that for years, so now Im trying to bring it back...... NOT!!  Itchingsmile

I do remember doing that for a brief time in middle school. but then so did everyone else and I sorta lost interest
I am Jesus....................................NOT, im actually God.

* 1-R walks on water
this suit is black not
nurehtix Wrote: [ -> ]this suit is black not

This suit is black, pause, not.
I never really got into the "not jokes"...

Reminds me of, was it Borat? where they're teaching the guy about the not jokes.
this suit is NOT black.
Not jokes were never really used around here, luckily
this suit is black
This is not a post posted by me
Pages: 1 2
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