Endless Paradigm

Full Version: ACPOTW #1: Rit-chan vs Mugi-chan
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Mugi-chan <3

But the second series made me like Ricchan a lot more ^_^
don't know anything about the characters so the blonde wins :)
Mugi-Chan, because of her weird fascination with two girls interacting closely. That fact is mostly pointed out in the manga, though.
Mugi-chan! Inluv
[Image: fef366ade66a01693bb0ffd.jpg]
i don't know them that much to make a proper selection on the board though.. (i need to get around to watching more of these)
Mio > Mugi > The rest.

Based on 1st season experience only btw.
Ricchan is ♥
it's not to say Ritsu doesn't have her own merits though..

[Image: sample91b16d2f855bec0a0.jpg]

.. like access to Mio.

I don't mean to be mean xD
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