Endless Paradigm

Full Version: I'm procrastinating list.
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Trash needs taking out. Built a sculpture out of the overflowing rubbish and waiting for it to fall before I can legitimately take it out.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]^ About saying what you're procrastinating about?

Err, yeah, wait...
I should be going to sleep because I have to get up early for work tomorrow.

I don't want to!!  Nana-o Nana-o Nana-o
I like, always procrastinate.
Procrastinating right now.
Who likes to leave everything until the last minute? Normally I don't but this case of procrastination is different.
You... must... fight it!
I'm trying to, but really, I just can't.
Use kameyhameyhahaha on it.
Part of the problem, is that I had too much time to do it, I still have plenty though.
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