Endless Paradigm

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Do you believe that everything runs off the energy you're putting off?

Like if you're positive, positive things will happen to you? and vice versa

I beleive this theory. I for the most part try to keep a positive outlook, but there is always "that guy that brings his negativity and brings me down with him

I believe everything is connected and constantly effects each other. It's just the way energy is.

If you do good, good things will happen? That depends on your true intention.

If you do bad, bad things will happen? That depends on your true intention.
I don't... lol
ShAdY545 Wrote: [ -> ]"that guy that brings his negativity and brings me down with him
That'd be me XD

I'm generally not so positive, and things seem to be going okay for me, so I probably don't believe in the theory >_>
I believe in the energy law of conservation, which is like what the first line of what onii-chan said.
^ Just like how magical girls pig out every time they eat.  Flying requires a lot of energy (reverse effects of gravitation, plus overcoming the difficulties of flying without an aerodynamic body), and firing high powered laser weapons requires even more energy.
false statement is false. how you react to things does not change your environment, only your perception of it. in reality, everything is in an objective state, the same always, however, wee as humans, can only perceive the objective through our senses, which are entirely subjective. very positive people have negative things happen to them, and negative people have positive things happen to them. its just that positive people tend to perceive things as better than they are, and negative people tend to see things as worse.
trademark91 Wrote: [ -> ]and negative people have positive things happen to them

the film "The Bad Lieutenant" is a prime example of the irony of life.

Your idea makes sense,that it's psychological. But even so, I do believe in a deep energy that does interconnect everything.
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