Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Girls Suck
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After a year and a half of being steady with my current girlfriend things have started to suck really bad. Everything had been great but after she returned from Mexico everything is now ruined. So I'll probably start being more active again.
On a brighter note, I have been doing very well in school, top 15th percentile of class, and already on track to have 30 college credits. Just recent got a new laptop, not an amazing one but I'm finally able to play games! I played my first PC game, Portal, and it is pretty good. It got kind of repetitive so I quit playing for a while but it was great being able to play a game on my laptop. Looks like I found a form on income, just have to wait and see how it plays out but it looks like I might finally have $$$
That is all for now, for all those too lazy to read, tl;dr girls suck Madwin
* shizzy refrains from making dirty jokes regarding the title of this thread...
I must agree, trust me I felt it once......
I remember her face kind of looked like this   Whyowhy
You're just now figuring this out? Have I thought you nothing?

* ShAdY545 also holds back from the dirty jokes
Lol at dirty jokes.
awww...no dirty jokes :/
Girls. Sucking. Hur hur hu- *bonk*

Also, welcome to the PC Gaming Master Race, I'm sure you'll love it.
Girls don't suck silly, they blow.

Or maybe they suck and blow at the same time, despite me not knowing physically how


Anyway, nice to hear other things are doing well for you.
AND OLD GAMES For the win.  Don't fall for the grafix!
I agree with ZB
Oh man. This thread title is near-perfect. It would've been better if you made a typo and put an 'F' instead of an 'S' Hero
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