CODE_R3D has released his latest project: Gemini, a handy homebrew plugin that automatically shuts down the UMD drive, WLAN and USB, when not being used, to save you some precious battery life.
* version 1.3
o Now detects whether in VSH, POPS, or GAME mode.
o Updated UMD detection.
o Plugin now reduces the speed at which the psp works.
(Adjusts speed according to what mode your in.)
* version 1.2
o Added usb shutoff feature.
o Cleaned up code.
o Plugin is now more stable.
* version 1.1
o Added wlan shutoff feature.
o Now turns on wlan & umd if something goes wrong.
I am working on a menu.
Was working on the menu this morning but i
had to go to school.
When the plugin adjusts the psp's speed, your psp should still run awesome.
I used it on mine and my psp was running fine.
- Add a menu
- Maybe make a Gemini installer?
news source: QJ
This looks like a handy plugin :D thanks for the news Shizzy

Yes this is a handy plugin to save battery time.
* UPDATE: version 3 released. Details and download in the first post.
Is this fully worked whit psp go?
Diabelski Chojrak Wrote: [ -> ]Is this fully worked whit psp go?
As of this writing, it is not possible to run plugins on hbl.
When Total_Noob releases his HEN, you *should be able to use this. (TN reports that plugins will be compatible with his HEN)
TN has said that his HEN will be released before Christmas

sweet i might actually break 10 hours now :D i got an extended life battery from best buy and on an out of box psp it got 9 hours 30 minutes and since then ive edited settings and pumped it up to 9 hours 53 (ish) minutes
Sounds similar to that PSP Power Saver plugin released a while ago...
Much difference between the two?
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Sounds similar to that PSP Power Saver plugin released a while ago...
Much difference between the two?
the two plugins could be written into one for even more savins and less filez