Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Released] Gemini v1.3
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[Image: 2fpg6lw]

CODE_R3D has released his latest project: Gemini, a handy homebrew plugin that automatically shuts down the UMD drive, WLAN and USB, when not being used, to save you some precious battery life.

   * version 1.3
           o Now detects whether in VSH, POPS, or GAME mode.
           o Updated UMD detection.
           o Plugin now reduces the speed at which the psp works.
                 (Adjusts speed according to what mode your in.)
   * version 1.2
          o Added usb shutoff feature.
          o Cleaned up code.
          o Plugin is now more stable.
    * version 1.1
          o Added wlan shutoff feature.
          o Now turns on wlan & umd if something goes wrong.

I am working on a menu.
Was working on the menu this morning but i
had to go to school.

When the plugin adjusts the psp's speed, your psp should still run awesome.
I used it on mine and my psp was running fine.

- Add a menu
- Maybe make a Gemini installer?

[Image: zmtc8.gif]

news source: QJ
This looks like a handy plugin :D thanks for the news Shizzy Drink
Yes this is a handy plugin to save battery time.
* UPDATE: version 3 released.  Details and download in the first post.
Is this fully worked whit  psp go?
Diabelski Chojrak Wrote: [ -> ]Is this fully worked whit  psp go?

As of this writing, it is not possible to run plugins on hbl.
When Total_Noob releases his HEN, you *should be able to use this. (TN reports that plugins will be compatible with his HEN)

TN has said that his HEN will be released before Christmas    Madwin
cool nice release
sweet i might actually break 10 hours now :D i got an extended life battery from best buy and on an out of box psp it got 9 hours 30 minutes and since then ive edited settings and pumped it up to 9 hours 53 (ish) minutes
Sounds similar to that PSP Power Saver plugin released a while ago...
Much difference between the two?
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Sounds similar to that PSP Power Saver plugin released a while ago...
Much difference between the two?

the two plugins could be written into one for even more savins and less filez
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