Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Ads TOTD #4
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What kinda of ads appeal to you most?

For me, its food ads. I see an ad on TV for food and I instantly become hungry.
Or I hear a good ad on the radio (while driving), and usually the next place I see I'll think about stopping in.

Maybe it because I love food.

most other ads don't ever really appeal to me and most often very comical to think someone might get suckered in by it

An awesome video game ad might hype me up for it, but I havent bought a game since my PS3 died so yeah.

ads with chicks in bikinis
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]ads with chicks in bikinis

^your e-penis is HUGE! D:
OMG those adds are win

old spice guy for the win
This thread is now diamonds!
those commercials make it allright for my show to be interrupted.

"was that my left bicep?"
Yes the Old Spice commercials are by far my favorite :D
so so far wee have chick in bikinis and a big black sweaty muscly man
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