This story takes place on an island named Southern Cross Isle. One night, a boy named Takuto washes up on shore swimming from the mainland. He later enrolls in Southern Cross High School as a freshmen and makes new friends. However, underneath the school is a group of mysterious giants called Cybodies. Soon Takuto, The "Ginga Bishonen" (or "Galactic Pretty Boy") sees himself in a fight with a mysterious organization known as "Kiraboshi Juujidan" (Translated to "Glittering Crux Brigade") which intends to take possession of the island's Cybodies for their own purposes and break the seals of the shrine maidens, the protectors of the islands secrets.
anyone watching this?
just downloaded it randomly, unusual opening and chars and plot, with mechs, and some weird names like "Galactic Pretty Boy". i find it interesting enough for me to wait every week for an episode of it. Looking at the studios behind it, they got Bones, Square Enix and Bandai.
Wrong forums for this kind of anime.
Besides for me and Hearty, I don't think anyone here is even remotely interested in mecha stuff.
yeah, for most here, mecha = not "Moe" enough
I actually kinda find mechs cheesy. Then again, I find a lot of anime cheesy at some point.
There's no way in hell that could be an optimal shape for a fighter robot.
I like mecha ,not my favorite genre though.
I'm watching this , but the sequence
of events repeats in every episode
iv'e seen . It's not bad though ):
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]I actually kinda find mechs cheesy. Then again, I find a lot of anime cheesy at some point.
There's no way in hell that could be an optimal shape for a fighter robot.
One of these things where you have to go with the flow, and accept it as a premise of the story. I mean, you don't question the existence of magic in fantasy stories do you? Because magic makes even less sense than giant robots.
Gamerlink Wrote: [ -> ]I like mecha ,not my favorite genre though.
I don't have a favorite genre (though I may have a few genres I dislike). Every genre has the potential to be good and bad, depends on the show in question, not the genre.
Magic is more glamorous and far less constrained than mecha (in terms of the amount of creativity which can be employed).
Well, that's my opinion of it.
I think the giant mechs are pretty badass looking but I haven't seen much of it's genre anyway.
I've been watching it since its first episode, and most of the episode formats are like an end plot at every episodes, i found it a bit strange for Star drivers concept, but i found it normal just like in most super robot animes, that they move fast, like Voltes V or Daimos
^ they probably don't know Voltes V, Daimos or Mazinger Z here. lucky us in philippines :D