Endless Paradigm

Full Version: WTB LArger File Size Limit for my HDR uploads
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2mb sucks wtb 5-6mb

also JPG sucks but it would means like a 15mb image
also moving cars suck its a god phone N900

but it can't stop time ...
i actaually quite like what's happened with the  Cars

And you could always upload it to a seperate image host if you don't like the file limit?
someone should invent HDR goggles.
the road holes look damn sweet!  nice job dude!
Great photo but I for one would prefer it without the cars.
heres another

[Image: 6ym6g5.jpg]
Compress your images more - 642KB : http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/7032/abczoh.jpg
Can probably get better if I tried.

Image itself looks interesting :)
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