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for those who are buying their video games, do you still even read the manual included? how about the text description at the back of the case? usually game features and synopsis and some pictures.

i just noticed that i don't even read them anymore, unlike the ps1 days where i spend some time reading the manual and appreciating the case of the game before playing it. maybe because now, wee already have previews/reviews from the internet about the game wee purchase, so wee are not that interested anymore to appreciate the case and manual.

I always read them before even starting the game. All the manual and cover/back covers.

I thought everyone did that :O
Yeah, i always do when i buy them; but unfortunately the game manuals and even cases are made with such low quality for the same reason that not a lot of people care anymore; which sucks :( .
Ekusoshisuto Wrote: [ -> ]I always read them before even starting the game. All the manual and cover/back covers.

I thought everyone did that :O
i will when something isn't explained in game
These days, you just play the tutorial. How many people do you think would play Modern Warfare and Halo if they actually had to read the manual?
I read them.  

These days, I don't just purchase any video game, just for the sake of buying a new game. (Like I did as a kid)

I only buy games that I am truly excited about.   So yeah - if I buy something, I am usually excited enough to read through the box and covers.
I don't, just play. The online reviews and summaries are better imo than the one's on the back.
read and some have nice mini posters,. :)

[Image: VanquishCoverArt.jpg]
I try to read them, but half the time, the manual's not worth it: just controls, one or two guns, and that's it. Not like games of old, where they had small character bios, all the guns (bar one or two suprises) and more detailed back-story.
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