Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Peace Walker Theme By KiloBack
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The file causing the freeze was the system_plugin.rco.

I replaced that file with a decompressed 5.00 one, then replaced all the pictures and sounds except a large file called (lovedet.vag) which was unused in your modification of this theme. The overall file went down from 1.9mb to 600kb, saving resources I guess.

Took a while but now the theme works when using the browser Madwin

Thanks for all feedback. Updated link (5.00) - http://www.mediafire.com/?bpeacdtnblh9vbl
Malus Wrote: [ -> ]The file causing the freeze was the system_plugin.rco.

I replaced that file with a decompressed 5.00 one, then replaced all the pictures and sounds except a large file called (lovedet.vag) which was unused in your modification of this theme. The overall file went down from 1.9mb to 600kb, saving resources I guess.

Took a while but now the theme works when using the browser Madwin

Thanks for all feedback. Updated link (5.00) - http://www.mediafire.com/?bpeacdtnblh9vbl

*Updated First Page Fangirl

also +rep for youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
5.03 ver.


can't really edit much atm because my monitor died on me.fortunately i have pspdisp v.5

edit : attach the lovedet.vag from 30 to 6 seconds for those who prefer a shorter one already included in the 5.03 ver
Malus Wrote: [ -> ]The file causing the freeze was the system_plugin.rco.

I replaced that file with a decompressed 5.00 one, then replaced all the pictures and sounds except a large file called (lovedet.vag) which was unused in your modification of this theme. The overall file went down from 1.9mb to 600kb, saving resources I guess.

Took a while but now the theme works when using the browser Madwin

Thanks for all feedback. Updated link (5.00) - http://www.mediafire.com/?bpeacdtnblh9vbl

Thanks dude. Will report if there's any other bugs : D
figured out why the internet was crashing for me on th 5.50 verson. It was due to the heavily modded dayveiwer, that appeard to be crashing it.
woot great work Kiloback and Asperic and also for Madus for this wonderful theme

OT @Asperic: are you also a member of symbianize or pinoygizmos?
krystabegnalie Wrote: [ -> ]woot great work Kiloback and Asperic and also for Madus for this wonderful theme

OT @Asperic: are you also a member of symbianize or pinoygizmos?

Neither Erk
^^haha lool. you oughta change your dayviewer config a bit XD
for those interested iv'e translated the dayviewer config into english and it has a new design.just change the jeff part.

[Image: screenshot016x.png]
[Image: screenshot015f.png]
Ah forgot about those separators Facepalm got to add that...

I'll release v2 for 5.50 with short lovedet and ^ those separators...
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