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Full Version: NBA 2K11 Roster Update 10/26/10
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[Image: 2dhicsy.jpg]

The season is about to start in just several hours from now, and as I have promised here's your roster update for your NBA 2K11 PSP Version.

This is a roster update for NBA2k11 as of 10/26/10 for 5.00m33-6 and other firmwares

Maybe you're looking for some Rookies but I can't find them in the free agents pool.
Maybe they are not in the game also, If you'll ask why didn't I created them like the two other
my reason is because I don't know how they play because I haven't seen them before how they play,
interact etc.

This Roster Update includes some shoes for other players(especially superstars) from all 30 teams.
I've based the brand of their shoes from NBA 2K11 PC Version.
I didn't create any shoes but I've assigned their shoes to specific players since it was set as "Generic".

How to install:

1. Extract the whole zip folder
2. Then copy and paste the "ULUS10552500m33" or "ULUS10552102610" folder to your SAVEDATA folder inside your PSP fodler
3. then enjoy your new roster in your NBA2k11

If it won't work on your psp:
- make sure that you've put "ULUS10552500m33" or "ULUS10552102610" folder in the right place x:/PSP/SAVEDATA
- check if you have the US version of NBA2k11 because this roster update is only for NBA2k11 with US region
and will not work with other region like EUR, JAP, etc.

If it says data corrupted:
- You need to use a prometheus - 2 cfw
- try using a savedata fixer (if you don't want to upgrade)
- or wait for hrmfaxi's prometheus - 3 which was said to be the fix for "corrupted data" issues.

Credits to:
shaqdarcy for updating the roster MANUALLY
NBA.com for providing the latest roster update
2K sports for the NBA2k11 for psp
eugeneslz16 for suggesting a savedata fixer which led to a success

Thank you for downloading hope you like your newly updated roster!

EDIT: Added non-prometheus support. Savefile tested using "Test M33" mode in dc8. Hope it works fine with a real M33 firmwares.
For non-prometheus users please download the "NBA 2k11 Roster Update 5.00m33-6.rar"

If you're using 5.50GEN-D3 and prometheus cfw download the "NBA 2K11 Roster Update.rar"
Ok one question.
Why you have 2 files for download ?
I have 2 files because the one for Prometheus users can only be used with of course prometheus firmware and 5.50GEN-D3 users. And from my previous release I've only released one file but that file doesn't work with 5.00m33-6 to 5.50GEN-D2 users so this release gets 2 savefiles.

If you're using prometheus cfw of GEN-D3 then download the first one.
If 5.50GEN-D2 or lower, then download the second one

hope that will answer your question Madwin
Hm ok.
But i have 5.00 m33 prometheus-2 xD
So i will use the second one too ?
nickxab Wrote: [ -> ]Hm ok.
But i have 5.00 m33 prometheus-2 xD
So i will use the second one too ?

Hmmmm... I'm not sure in your case. But I think the second one will work with you. If it won't work try the first one. Madwin
Ok i will ^^
please help me..
how can i update my nba 2k11 roster in psp.. like the new lineups in new york please help thankss
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