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Ekusoshisuto Wrote: [ -> ]Portable gaming devices for the win :D

quoted for truth.

You know there's something wrong with this gen, when all the good RPGs (Or games in general) are coming out on handhelds. It really says a lot.

I mean out of all the current gen games I've played, the only one that stood out as "Wow! Amazing!" was Valkyria Chronicles and Metal Gear Solid 4. And nothing has yet to top those yet! Disgrace.
wow, didn't take long before Ps3 vs Xbox 360 became Ps3 vs Xbox 360 vs PC vs Portable Consoles. The debate is no longer one of consoles so, what's the point? Topic name change?
PS3,. whot is this xbox?
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]wow, didn't take long before Ps3 vs Xbox 360 became Ps3 vs Xbox 360 vs PC vs Portable Consoles. The debate is no longer one of consoles so, what's the point? Topic name change?

Sure. Leave it to me.

EDIT: The deed has been done Specky
PS3 and PC for me

though i do get annoyed at the people that write off consoles completely.

PC purists are the most irritating of all.

I like consoles because they are more social and allow me to bring my friends over and play with them, not just playing online together. imo playing online with your mates is nowhere near as good as playing actually with your friends. which is why LAN parties are so fun, everyone can talk and piss around with each other as they are right there.
PS3 has free online, best exclusives and now best motion control (with wand) (supposedly)
Xbox 360 has best online... err.... not sure what else
Wii, by the end of this year probably has many more genuinely great exclusives than the Xbox 360, probably competing with the PS3 in that arena too, despite it's last-gen graphics and rather out-dated OS which hasn't been improved much.
PSP is better than DS..
DS has touch controls..
but the iPhone 3GS/4 does it better with accelerometer and worse titles..

.. and the PC can emulate Wii, PSP and DS but misses out extravagantly from console-exclusive titles, although the titles that are PC-exclusive tend to be for PC heavy-gamers... which (I think, correct me if I'm wrong here) are a minority compared to the number of console gamers. PC is also upgradable, but this causes compatibility fragmentation with newest games (where upgrades become required to make it playable).. not forgetting poor-ports either which consoles also suffer from.. but consoles benefit from the fact all games for the console you have will definitely work.

Online is definitely much better on Consoles than PC right now, but Steam does a pretty good job of networking PC gamers.

Which one is best?...... from a technical point of view it's got to be PC - PSP for portable. From the games point of view it's the PS3 or Wii (Sony vs Nintendo, anyone?) and PSP for portable (keeping in mind the 3DS looks to slaughter the PSP because of the number of amazing titles already announced).

It's also worth keeping in mind that PC-exclusives are often games that simply would-not-work-well on a console.. so it's arguable PC competes in the exclusives sector as well but then again, can you really count the PC when it's not really considered a console at all?

ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]PC purists are the most irritating of all.

ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]though i do get annoyed at the people that write off consoles completely.

In order of importance....

1.  I can't actually use a console at home.  PC = in my study room.  TV = in the main lounge room, kitchen, living room, and parents bedroom.  Good luck with any of these locations when parents are super anti-gaming.
2.  Consoles can't pirate.  Lol, important for a poor uni student like me.
3.  For a light gamer like me, consoles = not worth the investment.  PC takes pretty much no invest because even if I don't game, I need a PC anyway.  Not going to spend $1000 on a PS3 to only play through like 2 games a year.
4.  I always get my donkey handed to me when I play console games with anyone.  I know this isn't the consoles fault... but still, it doesn't help me like it.  The reasons are that I'm generally unfamilar with both the controller and the game.

Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]but then again, can you really count the PC when it's not really considered a console at all?

I would say no.
Don't care for either of them.
Davis Wrote: [ -> ]Don't care for either of them.

you mean for all of them right?
Assassinator Wrote:
ProperBritish Wrote:though i do get annoyed at the people that write off consoles completely.

In order of importance....

1.  I can't actually use a console at home.  PC = in my study room.  TV = in the main lounge room, kitchen, living room, and parents bedroom.  Good luck with any of these locations when parents are super anti-gaming.
2.  Consoles can't pirate.  Lol, important for a poor uni student like me.
3.  For a light gamer like me, consoles = not worth the investment.  PC takes pretty much no invest because even if I don't game, I need a PC anyway.  Not going to spend $1000 on a PS3 to only play through like 2 games a year.
4.  I always get my donkey handed to me when I play console games with anyone.  I know this isn't the consoles fault... but still, it doesn't help me like it.  The reasons are that I'm generally unfamiliar with both the controller and the game.

that the thing with you Assassinator, you always make to many valid points.

Hence for you, consoles are not worth it.

I fit under many of those points too. I don't have lots of money so i don't own a ps3 or xbox. Even if i was to have one it probably wouldn't be worth it as i would not get any time one it, and that's due to point 1 that you made.

At least with my psp, being small and discrete, i can get away with as much gaming as i like because it dosnt draw attention and im not restricted as to when and where i can use it.

Owning just a psp has made me appreciate what the smaller consoles can achieve, sure ps3 and xbox have bigger games with fancier graphics, but you can't write off the portable consoles. They have their brilliant game moments that shows they can compete with the bigger consoles.
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