8 GB OF hershey kisses. Nah, I use my sticks for OS installers and Wii games.
Portable apps and random garbage that I haven't bothered to sort around
I rarely use my 8gb stick. It's empty right now but when I do use it it has school work or stuff I want to give to a friend.
On my usb stiks was everything..now im cleaning my pc and usb pen(drive)sticks and copy some files to my samsung story station 2Tb.
On pendrives now will be only mp3s
school and org related stuff
jonah hex dvdrip
few installers
a list of things to download
coreldraw 14 portable
photoshop cs5 portable
few work related stuff
basically you can think what somebody would have on a ITG (
in the groove) usb stick
and no it cannot fit anything else.
work related documents.
no personal files.
remember the floppies? long lost forgotten wonder.
lol . floppies.
those were the days