Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2
So today I thoght and go ahead and come out with my obsession with L and his logo
My nick name is Lalo so naturally I adopted the logo and changed it to a more cooler version for it to work as bg for my cpu
so enuff gibergaber heres my collection of custum Ls
Yay more filez:
Best one yet:
[Image: c455f89f400967468555362a417371126g.jpg]
Cool, needs less "L".
Super Idol Lunar-chan Wrote: [ -> ]Cool, needs less "L".
@Super Ido unar-chan

yeah, i agree.
Super Idol Lunar-chan Wrote: [ -> ]Cool, needs less "L".

yeah that L looks horrible xD

find a better font, make it smaller :3

try it small in a corner

rather than

ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]
Super Idol Lunar-chan Wrote: [ -> ]Cool, needs less "L".

hecaitomix Wrote: [ -> ]@Super Ido unar-chan

yeah, i agree.

[Image: 3793810a82ecf58d90e4fb8.png]
Super Idol Lunar-chan Wrote: [ -> ]
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]
Super Idol Lunar-chan Wrote: [ -> ]Cool, needs less "L".

hecaitomix Wrote: [ -> ]@Super Ido unar-chan

yeah, i agree.

[Image: 3793810a82ecf58d90e4fb8.png]

that sword looks like a lowercase L
300 is confused!
It hurt itself in its confusion!

Pages: 1 2
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