ok, i got greyghosts pm.
waiting on joomla's.
Well if skyy-kun is entering, i might not enter. His desktops>you
But for the sake of competitive deskertops why not? I'll enter ~_~
A good idea. Not to be demeaning but this is one of the few sort of graphicy things that interests me. Currently it's a little boring so I might spruce it up a little.
Ah. I would totally join but I'm having monitor issues >_<
If there's another one. I'll join.
Ekusoshisuto Wrote: [ -> ]If there's another one. I'll join.
Monthly desktop competition?
Maybe. There's plenty of people who seem excited to join. Or maybe it's just me...
Ekusoshisuto Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe. There's plenty of people who seem excited to join. Or maybe it's just me...
People love to show off their hard work :P
Including me, but i don't have anything to brag about @_@
ok lunar and joomla are added to the list!
good job with all the entries!!
this is going to be great ^______________________^